
Protesten Mp3 indir dur

Protesten Amerika steeds grimmiger ResimiProtesten Amerika steeds grimmiger
Süre: 1:06 | Boyut: 2.52 MB

Columbia and Barnard students establish “Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya Liberated Zone” in Milstein library ResimiColumbia and Barnard students establish “Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya Liberated Zone” in Milstein library
Süre: 0:47 | Boyut: 1.79 MB

Clashes have erupted between the HTS-led government in Syria and an array of anti-HTS forces. ResimiClashes have erupted between the HTS-led government in Syria and an array of anti-HTS forces.
Süre: 0:56 | Boyut: 2.14 MB

Gewalt bei Protesten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen in Belgien ResimiGewalt bei Protesten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen in Belgien
Süre: 0:52 | Boyut: 1.98 MB

Un élu démocrate expulsé après avoir protesté lors du discours de Trump. ResimiUn élu démocrate expulsé après avoir protesté lors du discours de Trump.
Süre: 0:59 | Boyut: 2.25 MB

Kritik an den Protesten in Berlin ResimiKritik an den Protesten in Berlin
Süre: 1:39 | Boyut: 3.78 MB

Serbia’s parliament erupts in chaos as MPs protest government agenda ResimiSerbia’s parliament erupts in chaos as MPs protest government agenda
Süre: 0:17 | Boyut: 664.06 kB

Smoke Grenades Thrown in Serbian Parliament as PM Resigns ResimiSmoke Grenades Thrown in Serbian Parliament as PM Resigns
Süre: 0:45 | Boyut: 1.72 MB

Dutzende Festnahmen bei Pro-Nawalnyj-Protesten ResimiDutzende Festnahmen bei Pro-Nawalnyj-Protesten
Süre: 0:33 | Boyut: 1.26 MB

Serbian lawmakers throw tear gas inside parliament ResimiSerbian lawmakers throw tear gas inside parliament
Süre: 0:54 | Boyut: 2.06 MB

Chili: beurzen onderuit door grootschalige protesten ResimiChili: beurzen onderuit door grootschalige protesten
Süre: 3:19 | Boyut: 7.59 MB

Des actes de protestation lors du discours de Donald Trump devant le Congrès ResimiDes actes de protestation lors du discours de Donald Trump devant le Congrès
Süre: 0:54 | Boyut: 2.06 MB

Janes Fonda bei Klima-Protesten festgenommen | AFP ResimiJanes Fonda bei Klima-Protesten festgenommen | AFP
Süre: 0:29 | Boyut: 1.11 MB

Anti-Israel protestors clash with NYPD at Barnard College after police respond to bomb threats ResimiAnti-Israel protestors clash with NYPD at Barnard College after police respond to bomb threats
Süre: 1:31 | Boyut: 3.47 MB

'We're a country of no kings': Rep. Frost on walking out of Trump's speech Resimi'We're a country of no kings': Rep. Frost on walking out of Trump's speech
Süre: 0:59 | Boyut: 2.25 MB

Iran: Weitere Tote bei Protesten ResimiIran: Weitere Tote bei Protesten
Süre: 2:07 | Boyut: 4.84 MB

Protesting Democrat has sign ripped from her hands ResimiProtesting Democrat has sign ripped from her hands
Süre: 0:12 | Boyut: 468.75 kB

‘I would do it again,’ says Rep. Al Green after disrupting Trump speech | REUTERS Resimi‘I would do it again,’ says Rep. Al Green after disrupting Trump speech | REUTERS
Süre: 0:52 | Boyut: 1.98 MB

Syrians rally in Damascus in support of government forces amid clashes in Latakia ResimiSyrians rally in Damascus in support of government forces amid clashes in Latakia
Süre: 0:53 | Boyut: 2.02 MB

Recordaantal  bij   ResimiRecordaantal bij
Süre: 0:47 | Boyut: 1.79 MB

Raw Bench Halal Bi Samida Meryem Banyodan Once Savacsi Murat Merhaba Amina Ali471 Hadi Ece Pekkiyici Mr Franklin Sen Cayirsan Hilti Gulcihan Koc Olivera Markovic Sewe Halay Melo Do Spot Tosti Afacanlar Asker Oldum Kapasite Mahcu Protesten

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